Featured DIY Article
repair civic eg rust

DIY: How to fix your honda civic’s rust

Many of the civics, especially the older models, have the common rust around the rear wheel well. Many of these rusty civics are located in the north and driven through the winters. There are a couple reasons so many civics are rusting. First is the condensation that forms on the inside of the car. Think

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Featured DIY: How to fix your car’s chipping/peeling window trim

Look familiar? Years of outside weather & sun is not kind to our window trim. The surface is actually rubber, over a piece of metal. Over time the rubber dries out and gets surface cracks, which then begin to chip off. Take them off and sand then down to smooth any peeling edges that are

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Featured DIY: How to change a head gasket

DIY: Replace a head Gasket. My civic would randomly get hot and I found there to be a greyish sediment in my coolant, as well as a very fine oily substance floating on the surface. My head gasket may not have been blown, but there was definitely a leak from the combustion chamber into the

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