Appearance, Paint & Body Work
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By Loaf31
#346871 So I always saw these and thought they looked cool, but they would be impractical on a DD. But I recently realized that I can always take them off later.
So Instead of paying an arm and a leg for them, I decided to make some. :woot:

This total project will cost around $10 :thumb:

I started by making some cardboard mockups. I don't know the exact dimensions :oops:

Then I went out to Home Depot and got a 1'x1' piece of 1/16" Galvanized Steel and some cheap black paint.


Trace the mockup onto the metal.


Cut them both out with large tin snips.

I went outside and bent them with a Vice grip.

Then paint them with 3-5 coats of the black paint.

Pretty darn good for only spending $10. :D
Drill some holes in the flat part of the winglets, and some holes in the bottom of your bumper and you're done! Hope this helps :thumb:
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By Loaf31
#346906 And this is what it looks like on the car! :D



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By strykr
#354179 I might have to give this a shot. I might change the looks and design up a little bit, but thanks for giving me the idea to do this again! lol
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By teal_dx
#354180 Very nice work :thumb: Can't tell if it's the lighting, but it looks like there wasn't much paint on the very edge of the metal where you cut. Then again, if it's galvanized, I don't think it will rust when it gets wet, will it?
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By strykr
#354199 I think it is just the lighting. It shouldnt rust if let unpainted for a while so long as it was treated, but it does look lightly painted.
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By Loaf31
#354623 Well it's been about a year and hasnt rusted yet! :thumb:
Thanks for the kind words, guys.
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By Loaf31
marc212 wrote:that looks sick man, good idea :thumb:

Thanks man :D