- Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:37 pm
Hey everyone, i'm new to the car scene and am looking for some guidance. I've never worked on a car before but was always interested in them since i was young. Been wanting to have a project car to work on and learn the basics of car maintenance while also building a fun car. Did some research, an turns out 1992-1995 Honda Civic EG Hatchbacks are a great first car to newbies to learn and work on. I don't have any specific questions right now, but in the future I will. Main things is was going to focus on was weight reduction and suspension. Is there any key point i should know or anything i should focus on. Any tips or pointers?
Do Not PM me your technical questions. Post them in the forum!
My 1992 SOHC Turbo Hatch
My Youtube Channel: 6th Gear Garage

My 1992 SOHC Turbo Hatch
My Youtube Channel: 6th Gear Garage