- Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:42 am
Some frsh updates!
Undercoated all the inside of the quarter panel before I put it on.
After a couple hours of tack welding.
Messed up on the wheel arch part, cut out way too much and the door didn't align with the panel.
I cut out those welds and cut out a piece of sheet metal to fill in the gap. And then tack welded that in.
Grinded the welds down, painted it with primer and now I have to fix all the lil holes still left. The panel warped a lil bit in the middle, but not too much. Gotta go over it again and weld all the holes in.
Wheel arch part
Did some work on the back of the trunk, filled one hole in and cleaned up all the rust.
All my parts so far waiting to be put on...
lol, a lil editing
Wooooooooo, almost done!