Topics that apply to all 92-95 civics
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By elrompetoto
#274026 i use a hamer and a chizel (how ever u spell that ) just hit it its gona cut into the nut and force it 2 it at an angle so it will make it spin
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By necropaulis
#274123 If you have to get the axles out, I used a 1 inch bar with a 32 mm. If you're replacing the trans, get the LCA disconnected, pop some axles and drop dat bitch
#277591 i had this probblem just the other day. i took my car to a tire place that do big rig tires and the have the big impacts with more power. he just hooked it up and it took him bout 15 sec and it came off. he did re-tighten just enough where i could make it home but that is what i suggest for next time
By ZactheRipper
#277699 ^^ exactly what i did, my local garage was nice enough to put their 1 inch impact driver and spin it off in about 10 seconds.
By ktang
#343275 I know this is an old thread, but just in case somebody else needs another technique:

- I used a 50/50 mix of ATF and Acetone (you could see the rust slaking off);
- then 15 seconds of propane torch on each of the 6 axle nut points;
- then a 2-ft breaker bar with a 2-ft extension (3 ft total); and
- then stood on the extension holding a 50-lb toolbox (I'm 185 lbs).

Eventually (about a minute), the axle nut gave away. Same for both sides.[/list]