- Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:22 pm
the numbers for the Libertains have not come back yet, However if Gary Johnson got 5% of the popular vote, We will have an offical 3rd party, He will be on every ballot in every state, as well as in all the debates.
I hope he got it, However If he did I think i would have heard by now.
The Democrats and the Republicans may have slighty different views on something's, the Important things are the same
Both want to continue the prison industral complex
Both want to continue the military industral complex and war.
Both want to Support Big Banks and the Federal Reserve
Both want to go to war with Iran
Both want to Support NDAA
Both want to Support ACTA
Both want to Support Isreal
As long as all people ask for are minor social changes in the scheme of things then these will never change. Oh we want abortion to be legal, we want the LGBT to be able to marry, we want to smoke pot, etc.
I dont see things changing for quite a while, It will be awesome if things change, However I dont see if happening on the political front. People get sucked into artifical conflicts like the so called "war on women" and dont get into details like how are we going to fix the economy, why do we support failing banking structures, the war with iran that will most likely start next spring/summer.