D15, D16, D17 and Mini-Me swaps
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By york62
#28441 These torque specs are straight from the Chilton and Haynes manuals.


A/T Tranny Drain plug......................... 29
M/T Tranny Drain and fill plug..............30-40
Wheel Lug Nuts....................................80
Fuel Filter
Banjo Bolt............................................16
Service Bolt.........................................9
Clamp Bolt...........................................9

Valve cover Bolts...................................7
Spark Plugs..........................................13
Cam Gear Bolt.......................................27
Cam cover crown nuts.............................7
Crank(vibration) damper bolt...................119
Cylinder Head Studs....................1st step..22...2nd..49
Flywheel Bolts M/T................................76
Drive Plate bolts for A/T........................54
Header Bolts to Cylinder Head................22
Header to downpipe bolts.......................33
Intake Manifold Bolts..............................16
Oil Pan bolts...........................................9
Oil pick up tube bolts..............................17
Oil Pump to engine block bolts/nuts...........9
Oil Pump Screen bolts..............................8
Oil pump cover Screws.............................5
Oil filter Housing Bolts..............................9
Rocker arm shaft pedestal bolts................16
Rocker arm shaft end caps bolts................9
Timing belt adjstment bolt.........................31
Rod Bolts.................................................23

Main Bearings cap bolts
Separate caps and bridge..........................48
One piece cap assembly............................33
Water pump pulley bolts.............................9
Thersmostat housing bolts..........................9
Water pump attaching bolts.........................9

Fuel injection service bolts
Throttle Body nuts.....................................16
Fuel Rail nut..............................................9

Manual Transmission
Countershaft locknuts................................65
End cover bolts.........................................9
Selector arm holder bolts...........................9
Tranny case to Flywhee housing..................20
Tranny to engine bolts
4 speed.....................................................33
5 speed.....................................................50
Clutch pressure plate bolts...........................19
Release fork bolts........................................22
Driveaxle/hub nuts.......................................134

Brake hose to caliper banjo bolts (front/Rear)...25
Master Cylinder Mounting nuts.......................11
Brake Booster mounting nuts.........................9
User avatar
By Bouli
#28445 This is some good shit :thumb:

torque specs form other engines too ?
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By york62
#28465 haha i would but i know nothing of the other engines!
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By jaysuper
#99042 I have the helms manual for civics from 87 to 00 what did you need?
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By PandaHatch
#144329 this is beast.
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By d4rk13l4de
#157284 would the arp headstuds for the z6 be at a higher rate?
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By teal_dx
#157317 torquing down ARP head studs is very crucial. they must be heat cycled and then torqued again. Over torquing them can over stretch them, making them not do their job any more.
I would contact ARP and get the exact specifications for the set you are using if they did not come with directions. ARP has great customer service :thumb:
By project ej2
#157481 this is very helpful man thanks...very good stuff... :thumb:
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By andyc
york62 wrote:Driveaxle/hub nuts.......................................134

is this basically the axle nuts?? Im sure theyre on tighter than 134... just want to be sure :thumb:
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By Ajax1989
#204577 yes its the axle nut, and yes its 134 FT LBS

idk if you use a diff measurment, but i just use a impact gun to get them on and off :thumb:
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By andyc
#204584 ft lbs or newton meters over here... so about 182nm, cheers mate
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By Ajax1989
#204586 fosho, i wasnt sure if what measurment scale you were on
but make sure you bend the axle nut in the crease when done :thumb:
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By andyc
#204590 i will, i bent them out before trying to remove them with a breaker and my breaker was bending a fair bit... its a good breaker too, maybe ill risk it and put a pipe on it :lol: