Topics that apply to all 92-95 civics
By chrism1791
#350524 Im guessing this is general knowledge but i wanted to be cautious.I have a 1992 hatch tried to get the roof molding off and doing what everyone says sliding and lifting, two still broke. I can see that the roof clips sorda slide in and out but look like thy are glued in with seam sealer?

How should I go about removing them just slowly cut some of the seam sealer off? and keep slightly pushing on it? I saw a thread about a year ago about replacing them for eg or maybe eks . It had photos etc. but i cannot find it for the life of me now. If someone knows about that thread i would be thankful for a link i just cant seem to get the broken ones out

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By teal_dx
#350531 You might try getting the seam sealer warm with a heat gun. I think it softens up when it gets warm. Just don't burn the paint or melt the clip if your gun gets hot.
By chrism1791
#350551 did even think about a heat gun to be honest. My neighbor has one I think that will work if I pull with my needle nose pliars a little.
By HeikDiesel
#350554 Pretty sure they have a nipple that they slide over so you have to move them forward or backwards to get them off. They don't just hold with just epoxy.
By chrism1791
#350558 they do but the broken piece was embedded in the sealer.finally got it out wit the heat gun
By HeikDiesel
#350571 Nice, glad you got it figured out :thumb: