Topics that apply to all 92-95 civics
#167804 Hey everyone, what's up? My name is Rebekka and I'm new to the forum. I just wanted to say hey.. I hope I posted this in the right section.. if not, mods please feel free to move it.
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By Dippin_EG
#167806 unfortunately, this isnt the right section, its supposed to be in the Newbie and FAQ.

But anyway... Welcome to Civic-eg!! Post some pics up in the Your ride section. :thumb: :woot:
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By elrompetoto
#167830 Welcome 2 one of the best sites in the world when it comes 2 getting help with ur civic I mean u can ask a question that on other site pplz will make fun of u 4 not knowing and here they will help u out and give u the info u need