Topics that apply to all 92-95 civics
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By Classiccarsrule85
#85400 Well I have decided since im well taking out my stock cx gas tank in favor for a ncie fuel cell instead since i do plan on racing i wish to be safe but I also plan on using this car as my daily driver so yea the fuel cell is the best of both worlds i think....

Well anyways here are a few of my questions

-Where would be the best place to put a fuel cell? I know probaly the spare tire area of coarse but is there another one i mean i wont have a back seat either so should I cut weld and make something good?

-Originally my 95 cx i think came with a 10g/38L tank and im sure over the years its been dented and of coarse its been lowered to the amount it could really take in. So I am wondering what gallon/Liter fuel cell should i look into getting? common sence tells me not to go after those smaller than 10gallons so should i just go witha 10g one or more?

-What type of fuel cell would be good for a daily driver that will be taking on corners twists n turns at auto cross events and possibly in the future track days. as well as maybe a couple runs at a strip?

-And I do plan on running a turbo and definately dont wish to have it run lean what fuel pump should i run?

-And the real kicker where would be the best place to purchase one i know Jegs has them as well as some other known muscle car, hot rod websites......what company have you had good business with?
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By suspendedHatch
#85433 First you need to look up the regulations of the series you will be racing in. Secondly I would ask this question in an AutoX forum after searching and reading through previous posts on the topic.
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By 89ssgti
#85566 you don't need a fuel cell for autocrossing or track days.In fact it's a lot of hassle for little reward.It's simpler and easier to have a stock gas tank with a drop in upgradded fuel pump.
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By teal_dx
#85671 Also don't install a higher flowing fuel pump until you are ready to need it (turbo installed) Just leave the stocker in for now and swap it out for the appropriate size pump when the time comes.