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By hkspowers
#49109 I am not sure about anyone else but the latest poll listing for me scrolls all the time, and when I try to click on one it runs faster away from my mouse. This in turn causes me to not see the other latest postings and I have to wait for it to scroll around again. Is this just a problem with me? Whatever happened to just a static list? :)

I am using firefox if that helps.
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By teal_dx
#49110 it should stop moving when you try to click something :?

anyone else having problems with it?

You can also see the recent posts by clicking the link in the upper right below your avatar on the portal page :thumb:
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By hkspowers
LowTEC-Derbo wrote:i dont have issues..

I'm running Firefox3 beta5.

Same here. Well the link works for me. :) No worries.
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By asianrob
#49118 it does that to me but i dont really care lol