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By teal_dx
#342636 I was always using UPS back in the day when I lived by one of their centers and shipping big stuff.

Since moving to the country, I've been using USPS but I feel like their prices are getting to be too high, plus you have to pay extra for tracking, delivery confirmation. Shipping a t-shirt to Canada is over $9 now, when it used to be about half that price a couple of years ago. :thumbdown:

I just did a quote on USPS to ship a single wheel to FL and it was $29!

So I went to Fedex and it was $15.10. I think I'm going to jump on the Fedex bandwagon :thumb:

What do you prefer to use?
By HeikDiesel
#342640 USPS flat rate is the only way to go for the stuff I do. Hardware is heavy and I can ship most of my stuff for $5-12 and have nationwide coverage in 2 days or less. Plus they now include a standard $50 insurance.
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By teal_dx
HeikDiesel wrote:USPS flat rate is the only way to go for the stuff I do. Hardware is heavy and I can ship most of my stuff for $5-12 and have nationwide coverage in 2 days or less. Plus they now include a standard $50 insurance.

Do they give you the free boxes for that?
By HeikDiesel
#342725 Yes sir. There is usually a little kiosk at the post office I grab them from or you can have them shipped to you from