Appearance, Paint & Body Work
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By Ej2-B16a
#34087 assuming you don't have the condensor and all that good stuff.. and you just have those 2 ugly lines sitting there*
1. First thing, disconect your battery and move the terminals away so it doesnt shock you!

2. Remove the battery tiedown, just the 2 nuts you see.

3. it will look something like this,

4. Remove the tray, clean it out very nicely, then grab the WD40 or pb blaster and spray the 3 bolts down thats holding the Metal tray thats under the plastic oneImage

5. Remove the plastic tray, 3 bolts in total. they stuck stuck in there pretty nicely, careful not to smash your hand when they finally bust loose.

6. Now after you'v cursed up a storm, and got the metal tray off, it will look like this. (my tray was VERY rusty)

7. Carefully unbolt both of the lines, when done it will look like this

8. Mask it up, just incase you ever decide to get a/c again.. I just did it for the hell of it, give it a little clean so the tape will stay, i masked the corners with electrical tape.

9. My tray was looked like a rusted magnet so i sanded it a bit cuz i was bored out of my mind and sprayed it with some paint to keep rusting off.

Reassemble everything in reverse order... And you done, no more ugly lines sitting around :thumb:
Last edited by Ej2-B16a on Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By ohDirka
#34098 freon is bad for the o-zone layer ya know
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By york62
#34101 wow thats green.
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By Ej2-B16a
teal_dx wrote:are there some steps missing here :? What about the condenser? and removing the freon from the system?

read title :)


most people when swap is done, the a/c is usally gone :P

yeah, i dont have 1 anyways. so this is just the lines