Appearance, Paint & Body Work
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By teal_dx
#1398 Your color code can be found on a tag located in the Drivers door jamb, below the lock latch.

1992 Color Description, Color Code
Celestial Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-53P
Cobalt Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-54P
Concord Blue Metallic Clearcoat, B-58M
Captiva Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-62P
Harvard Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-63P
Tahitian Green Pearl Clearcoat, BG-28P
Geneva Green Pearl Clearcoat, G-62P
Opal Green Metallic Clearcoat, G-73M
Fiesta Green Pearl Clearcoat, GY-15P
Champion White Clearcoat, NH0
Granada Black Metallic Clearcoat, NH-503P
Flint Black Metallic Clearcoat, NH-526M
Pewter Gray Metallic Clearcoat, NH-537M
Frost White, NH-538
Vogue Silver Metallic Clearcoat, NH-550M
Phantom Gray Pearl Clearcoat, NH-561P
Torino Red Pearl Clearcoat, R-72P
Sonoma Red Pearl Clearcoat, R-75P
Milano Red Tricoat/Clearcoat, R-81
Rosewood Brown Metallic Clearcoat, YR-503M

1993 Color Description, Color Code
Celestial Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-53P
Cobalt Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-54P
Captiva Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-62P
Harvard Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-63P
Aztec Green Pearl Clearcoat, BG-29P
Geneva Green Pearl Clearcoat, G-62P
Opal Green Metallic Clearcoat, G-73M
Fiesta Green Pearl Clearcoat, GY-15P
Champion White Clearcoat, NH0
Granada Black Metallic Clearcoat, NH-503P
Frost White, NH-538
Vogue Silver Metallic Clearcoat, NH-550M
Phantom Gray Pearl Clearcoat, NH-561P
Torino Red Pearl Clearcoat, R-72P
Milano Red Tricoat/Clearcoat, R-81
Camellia Red Pearl Clearcoat, R-86P
Rosewood Brown Metallic Clearcoat, YR-503M

1994 Color Description, Color Code
Captiva Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-62P
Harvard Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-63P
Aztec Green Pearl Clearcoat, BG-29P
Green Pearl Clearcoat, BG-31P
Lausanne Green Pearl Clearcoat, G-71P
Fiesta Green Pearl Clearcoat, GY-15P
Champion White Clearcoat, NH0
Granada Black Metallic Clearcoat, NH-503P
Frost White, NH-538
Vogue Silver Metallic Clearcoat, NH-550M
Phantom Gray Pearl Clearcoat, NH-561P
Torino Red Pearl Clearcoat, R-72P
Milano Red Tricoat/Clearcoat, R-81
Camellia Red Pearl Clearcoat, R-86P
Horizon Gray Metallic Clearcoat, RP-21M

1995 Color Description, Color Code
Harvard Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-63P
Green Pearl Clearcoat, BG-31P
Pard. Blue Green Pearl Clearcoat, BG-33P
Lausanne Green Pearl Clearcoat, G-71P
Clover Green Pearl Metallic Clearcoat, G-95P
Champion White Clearcoat, NH0
Granada Black Metallic Clearcoat, NH-503P
Frost White, NH-538
Vogue Silver Metallic Clearcoat, NH-550M
Phantom Gray Pearl Clearcoat, NH-561P
Torino Red Pearl Clearcoat, R-72P
Milano Red Tricoat/Clearcoat, R-81
Camellia Red Pearl Clearcoat, R-86P
Horizon Gray Metallic Clearcoat, RP-21M
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By OleFolk
#192319 what is the exact color of your eg. i would assume olive green but idk
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By OverRev
#197297 Sir may i ask if theres a color code of mugen blue?
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By 93hatcheg
#212845 whats the color code and name for t he purple color honda made?
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By Ajax1989
EG6b20R wrote:What about Taffeta white????

thats a 01-05 white
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By Ajax1989
93hatcheg wrote:whats the color code and name for t he purple color honda made?

Camellia Red Pearl Clearcoat, R-86P
the purple is actually red lol

but its purple to mee 8)
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By 92_eghatch
#239312 what about the lovely teal color that everyone raves about? i'm thinking either the teal or a dark blue or black exterior :)
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By 92hatchie
#243660 do u guys know nighthaww vlack pearl?
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By canibeateg
92hatchie wrote:do u guys know nighthaww vlack pearl?

B-92P that's actually the color I wanna do on my coupe !
By DirtyEye
#325579 I need help!
Bought a paint set for my hatch which has Captiva Blue Pearl Clearcoat, B-62P but I accidently bought B-62P-4.
I contacted the seller and he told me that it's the same as B-62P (which he also sells).
Is he right?