Springs, Struts, Swaybars, Bushings, Tower Braces & more
By mage182
#50141 The ES bushings don't need to be pushed in. They just slide in once you put the goop on them. The press won't get most of the OEM bushings out either. You're better off following these instructions. I've done 2 complete sets with this method and it works great.

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By teal_dx
#50151 I installed an entire ES master kit using only a bench vise and c-clamps and pieces of wood. I did have a couple of them shoot out of the bench vise though... one hit me in the forehead and the other shot all the way across the garage :lol:
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By asianrob
#50190 if your using stock bushings i don't that would work to good for the control arms
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By teal_dx
#50215 yeah you need a press for stock ones, but not polyurethane replacements. And just use fire to get the rubber ones out, then a hack saw to cut apart the metal shell that is left in after burning the rubber out.