J30, J32, J35 & J37
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By kinta94
#175666 I have wanted to put in a v6 from a honda pilot ever since the day my parents bought one.

heres the options that i want

J30a1 from a honda accord
with the tranny

im pretty sure this should fit fine in a hatch.

or im going with the J35A4 from the 03/04 pilot
with an accord tranny

but im concerned that its going to scrape on the smallest bump on the oil pan

my biggest concern is doing to harness i dont want to sit for hours with two manuals putting things together so is there a kit? i looked at API and hassport but not seeing anything.

ive been researching a lot lately and figuring things out but id like some other peoples opinions and ideas. Yes i know it may not have great handling but im looking for power and just flat out fun. :woot:

Im 16 and only have one friend to help me so i need as much help as i can get!
Last edited by kinta94 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By DontHateonEG8
#175671 my tip would be buying mounts from hasport.
they released a new series of mounts that are reversible:
-want your hood to close - flip the mount
-dont want your oil pan to scrape - flip the mount

here's the link:

good luck!
By hondatuner208
#190688 Yeah it'll be hard. The j motors are huge meaning ur gonna need to plan out the layout of how ur getting a motor like that in. My friend is cutting out any unnecessary parts from the frame and hes had to custom make his mounts since it was a rhd civic.

Plus how you gonna buy the motor? Usually those things total cost would be about $5000-$10000 on everything for the swap alone right? I've seen a j30 on craigslist for $1000 but thats motor alone. I'm just asking
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By kinta94
#190709 well i already have the motor its out of a honda pilot that was crashed by my family and the motor is in perfect condition so i have everything besides the tranny and im working on finding one right now its been long as hell to get all these parts but i still want to do it.
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By boos-tit
#190724 i used to work at a small shop that im friends with and the owner makes and sells plug and play harnesses for all j series swaps
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By dro21
kinta94 wrote:alright so i found this motor for sale and it seems really really cheap for a j32a2

anyone else think i should jump on this?

i think u should post the price first and then we'll tell u to jump on it :lol:
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By 93hatcheg
#191416 i would day jump on it if it complete and running otherwise idk :?
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By 92egdxhatch
kinta94 wrote:alright so i found this motor for sale and it seems really really cheap for a j32a2

anyone else think i should jump on this?

says above you have a motor out of a wrecked pilot why the need for this?

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By boos-tit
#191436 i think the harness might be like 250 or 350. im not sure. the shops name is R.P.M. systems im poughkeepsie, ny.
call (845)-795-3598 and ask for Don, the shop owner, and i know he can help you out. :thumb:
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By kinta94
92egdxhatch wrote:
says above you have a motor out of a wrecked pilot why the need for this?


just saying it seemed really cheap for a j and i could re sell it for a little more cash to get some extra money