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By pedroa06
#127031 yeah hahah.. im not really the jackass kind you know i like being helpful and hooking up all my buddies with what i can.. yeah theres not many here like that.. i have a couple buddys that give me a hand and i do the same..
dont really like going out to the kick it spot sonic at nite to many haters.. :thumbdown:
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By Ajax1989
#127033 ya i got alot of haters at my school [uti]

but ya that how it was when i was in FL me and my boy where always help each other out and we wouldnt hate on each other, but ppl hated on us, theys just jealous
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By pedroa06
#127097 yeah.. idk why they cant just go out any buy theres shit liek we do..

my window visors just came.!!
anbody know how to install them? clips are a lil wierd..

yeah i havent got much haters around here couple people falling me home but ill just stop at the gas station till they leave i dont want to wake up and my car not being there..!!
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By egsedanguy
#127113 hicup to all my haterz. lol fuck the haters. i have no problem running some ass hole off the road if he thinks he can but on a good note i see ya got the window visors. now take a pic and im sure we can help ya get em on. :thumb:
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By Ajax1989
#127128 tite i want those too, i want the one for the backwindow too

i dont think anyone follows me, and plus i lock my car up in a garage :thumb:
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By pedroa06
#127129 i got them used for 120 all 4 there in good condition.. idk if i got ripped off! but i like them. :thumb:
so can anybody show me a diy or explain how to install them?

got the hids installed so u guys dont think im lieing on here lolz
i really need some wheels i just got these off my cousin for 100 bux with kool tires so i painted them :thumb:

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By Ajax1989
#127148 i dont know how to put them on, but im likin those HIDs
i forget the number but i want the blue ones, or the white with the blue tint
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By egsedanguy
#127156 those are diff than mine. my visors only are held on my dbl sided tape. those actually hook on the door. um open your door and just set it on there and see if the just slide on or if you have to move some of the weather strips to slid em on.
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By pedroa06
#127176 yeah i opened it up and got one one but the weather strip wont go back on..!!

yeah the hids are nice to have..
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By pedroa06
#127184 already tried.. i did it under the weather strip and everything sits fine just that the wather strip wont go back on..!!
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By pedroa06
#127193 i just put my weather trim all back together got tired of my window not rolling up all the way because those inserts are blocking...

i just grabbed some pressure pliers and tightened them they looked good but the weather stripping wont go in..!!

anybody have the same window visors that can help me?
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By pedroa06
#127232 man i hate when theres no pics .. ima try read it over a couple times see if i get it thanks anyways bro..