Post YOUR Coupe here
By toxiclows
#318953 Hi there, My name is chris and i am from Punxsutawney, Pa. i am 37 years old adn work as an automotive tecnician at a fleet rental company / garage and am a car salesman/ buyer. ihave been building Honda's since 1996
i was a moderator over at crxcommunity dot com for a while.

anyway, long story short. I have owned over 250 vehicles. and my most recent aquisition is this 1995 honda civic Dx coupe.
She came swapped with a b18b1 / ls trans and needed some help.
Im slowly adding to it as i can and trying to make it better and better. and hopefully by summer i can have a reliable quick street beater.
By toxiclows
#318954 Image

this was her when I first got her. and the mustang that i traded for it. this is in Warren, Pa. took the day off work to get this. the mustang was nice but really needed a new convertible top and i just really really missed having a honda. the B series bug bit me once again so i decided to make an even trade with the husky fellow by the mustang
By toxiclows
#318957 Image

This was once I got her home and ran a simple coat of quick detailed over it.. It is amazing how nice even the crappiest car can look. If you just take care of it.. I usually wax my cars about once a month and wash and quick wax every week. Even the worst paint eventually will come around. If you keep at it with the wax and buffing. I have had some pretty nasty looking cars. That looked great by the time I was done with them.
By toxiclows
#318958 Image

Chipped ecu. If anyone knows who A&F Motorsport is. Let me know. I've never heard of them before. The fuel map seems to be right n the money. Although. Fast idle is a little high. Launch control works great.
By toxiclows
#318960 Image
Got some rims, not the best. But. I can work with them. Tires were wrong size and shot. So I ordered up some new 205-40-17 skins for them.
By toxiclows
#318962 Image

Time to mount the new wheels. Also installed the exhaust... 3 inch from the header back. Painted the fart can black. As I am not 17 anymore.
By toxiclows
#318964 Image

New rims on
By toxiclows
#318965 Image

Alignment time. Fixed the crooked steering wheel. And got everything in check. It's nice having a fully functioning garage at your disposal.
By toxiclows
#318966 Image
Shot of the new 3 inch exhaust all buttoned up tight
By toxiclows
#318967 Image
New rims on. Engine cleaned up.
By toxiclows
#318968 Image

Several hours. With my friends 320, 400, 600, 1000, 1500 and 2000 should fix this.
By toxiclows
#318969 Image

That's looking better.


Hate to toot my own horn here. But. Man I'm good.... Just kidding. What I ment to say. Is that with enough time anything is possible. It's been a few weeks and my finger tips are just starting to feel better from all of the hand sanding
By toxiclows
#318970 Image
Decided to rust part of the hood, I know, most of you will not like it. But I am 37 married with children. And am a big boy now. And I built this car for me. Not anyone else. And I think it looks nice.. And if I change my mind. I am a great painter. And the car will most likely be getting painted yellow. In the spring anyhow.

Oh by the way. I know everyone is screaming inside... Lower it. Lower it. Lower it!!! Don't worry, I have it covered...



By toxiclows
#318971 Image
These are current taken today.


That's about it... No huge plans for the future... Comments and suggestions. Both. Positive and negative are welcomed. Plans for the near future are for. A Japan plate for on the front bumper. A few jdm stickers... Think. Hello kitty. Domo etc... Finish the window And what ever other inspiration I can get from the good ol interweb
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By FG2_Andrew
#318972 Some spoon mirrors and a debadge would look good