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By CivicTypeR
vtec_gloucester wrote:looking good 8)

Her or the car? lol

Cars awsome, good project you got going there.
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By Heatherly
#97149 Finished lowering the car yesterday... talk about a chore... Washington weather means that water likes to get inside the bolts in your control arms and corrode them to the bushings, so a few days and a couple junkyard trips later, here she sits.

Before, when I was 4x4'in it:


And after, she's dirty, but she's low:



Better pics in the next couple days.
Last edited by Heatherly on Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By hondajunkee
#97151 dang slammed :thumb:

looks sweet
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By RevinEK
#97152 :thumb: i approve
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By Dippin_EG
#97177 SLAMMED! lookin sweet :thumb:
#97200 yeah, it looks great but I really disslike that car sometimes!!!
By GoRide
#97209 looks awesome....:D
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By Gorveatt
#97223 Congrats, now you need wheels lol.

Be sure to get use to the *SCRAPE* noise a lot :lol:
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By Vti93T
#97248 Looks good actually slam it! :lol: You won't scrape till you try :D hehe how much further down can you go on your coils?
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By Greasedmonkey
#97260 Car looks Good Heather. Like I said last night, SOMEONE NEEDS TO GO LOWER!!

hondajunkee wrote:dang slammed :thumb:

looks sweet

incorrect. Not slammed. Nicely lowered.

Here is slammed! Both cars are daily driven just like pictured.


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By hondajunkee
#97263 its slammed for here, between the construction, rail road tracks, and pot holes you couldn't go that low here. mines not even that low, i went through 3 headers in 10 months

I think it looks great the way it is
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By Heatherly
#97278 :lol:

Well Katie... for some odd reason with those sleeves, that's actually as HIGH as my car goes now. Haha.

It's what we like to call 'tucked' here but not exactly slammed, although I'm actually the 2nd lowest Civic here now, haha.

I think we're going to wash it, since it's been like 2 or 3 weeks and throw Adam's wheels on and take some pictures, AFTER we put the window in today!!! :woot:
#97297 HEHE, yeah Blake I would do that but my jack doesn't go that low. :? I would have to pull it up on blocks then jack it up. :D hhhmmmm

Posibly coming soon, new pics... :D