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#63339 Hi is it possible to put the ctr 98 cluster into my 95 eg??? any help lads thanks
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By swich
#63347 i had a guy ask the same question on my loacl forum about an SO4 cluster into the SR4.

it can be done by taking the clusters apart and modding them to fit into the SR4(95) cluster housing. but then im not sure if it will work coz the ECU will read them diff and the wiring might not be the same so over all. much more work then its worth. but check out the diy i did.

the great thing is cause the face i gave is white you can photoshop it to how ever you want it.
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By Greasedmonkey
#63557 If they can wired up a GSR teg cluster to work in our cars, you can get a CTR cluster to work too. Its all about the wiring. Just get a diagram for the CTR cluster and repin the correct wires from your stock harness into the plugs for the CTR cluster. Mounting will be a different story.