Dash Seats, Steering Wheels etc... If it's inside your Civic then it's in here.
By SiWannabe
#57466 So I've looked through this forum and have found many pictures and videos of people replacing the bulbs in their climate controls but they are all missing one step-how do you remove these knobs? Image
I attempted to remove the face of the climate control and got so far as getting it partially out of the dash and got the tabs unhooked but those knobs are preventing my from getting to the bulbs and i cant see an obvious way to get them out. can anyone explain or have pictures of how to do this?
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By york62
#57467 Dont they just pull off? i'm not 100% on that tho.
By SiWannabe
york62 wrote:Dont they just pull off? i'm not 100% on that tho.

i tried pulling them but they didnt seem to want to come out that way...i looked underneath too (took out the stereo) and there werent any screws i could see holding them in :headscratch:
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By Gorveatt
#57471 I know for certain they do not pull off, i broke my old climate control taking them off, they have a clip behind them it's kinda in a V shape but cut in half so it's like \ / you have to somehow squeeze them together and then pull the knob off
By SiWannabe
Gorveatt wrote:I know for certain they do not pull off, i broke my old climate control taking them off, they have a clip behind them it's kinda in a V shape but cut in half so it's like \ / you have to somehow squeeze them together and then pull the knob off

Thanks for posting this. My friend and i abandoned this project until i could get an answer because i was afraid of breaking off those knobs too.
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By Bouli
#57502 :lol: :lol:

You can just pull those knobs of !!!

Just wiggle a bit, they're a bitch to get out, they will not break i've done it a thousand times !

Only use your hands, not a tool !!! or you'll might damage them..
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By Graham
#57510 I took the whole unit out, then used a small screwdriver to pop them off from behind - they're just clipped in place but pretty easy to break!!