General tranny info covering all models & motors.
By Rookdarealest
#358589 [img][IMG][/img][/img]


i just got this s40 (d16y8) 5 speed trans for my manual conversion, i guess my question is whats missing? one hole is reverse sensor but what else?
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By TrailerTrash
#358591 you will need..
a starter for a manual car
slave cylinder setup
rubber clutch fork cover/boot
lower radiator hose holder

im not sure if the speed sensors are the same between the manuals and autos.

thats all i can think of off the top of my head but that is just the things that go on the tranny. there is a whole list of parts you will need. im not sure if thats what you are asking or if you are just asking what is missing from the transmission because it looks so bare
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By TrailerTrash
#358593 right on.

Welcome by the way dude!