A place to share civic or other car videos
By trev0006
#227893 My neighbor drives his R8 in the snow all the time, needless to say his got lots of cash

chrono404 wrote:A r8 Driver has an important errand he must run, but a blizzard has come and put snow on his roads? What will he do? :lol:

http://videos.streetfire.net/video/R8-S ... 727270.htmtirescars
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By Joplies
#230591 i do give the guy props for knowing his stuff. he didnt drive like a retard and he seemed to know more than just the broucher tells him about his car. Crazy but still he gets some respect points from me.
When he went to the front to put his groceries away i was like wtf is he doing? then after he opened i remembered um duh thats the trunk ha...dumb moment. :lol: