Topics that apply to all 92-95 civics
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By Punksz6
#116242 Now those are some Nice looking fogs!! :thumb:
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By iroccu
#116807 Hey Freddy1 that was me that told you on there. I was wrong theyre actually 1999-2004 Odyssey. But ya that pic is correct. :thumb:
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By spiritR
#116811 ive been trying to find them too so their odyssey fogs?
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By iroccu
#116812 Yep... Theyre freakin expensive too!
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By spiritR
#116813 damn
iroccu wrote:Hey Freddy1 that was me that told you on there. I was wrong theyre actually 1999-2004 Odyssey. But ya that pic is correct. :thumb:

hahaha yoO
thanks again!

any one have pics of other egs like this one?