Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, TENNESSEE, West Virginia,
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By Ecc0
jordansayswtf wrote:RIP...man, seeing that Civic-EG Coupe Crew decal in the broken glass struck a nerve too...

It's a chillin reminder that racing should be kept on the track. My thoughts go out to his family at this sad time, he may be lost but never forgotten. RIP
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By SkunkDcivic
#306483 It makes you rethink speeding especially on side streets r.i.p
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By familyEGuy23
#306485 RIP bro you'll be missed :(
my friend died the same way few years back he's one of the reasons I got an EG
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By Fada Blayne
#306521 Damn Rip bro, you will surely be missed