Technical Topics specific to the Hatchback body - NOT where you post pics/build specs of your car.
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By york62
#6166 there pretty pimp
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By asianrob
Hereg6 wrote:Image

I Love These Wheels :D

i know that guy he lives out here in oklahoma
real volks 17" Powder coated "blue" or purple lol he sold them for 1700 with brand new tires
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By Jsa-SIR2
#6182 would cool sweet on your car Hereg6 8)
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By pacdaman
#7564 Lots of great EG pic :woot:
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By Greasedmonkey
Skyu_Ivy wrote:
DarkCreep wrote:These images wont hot link so just click the link.

Gorgeous black EG with gold rims and B18. ... file&u=267

Anyone know what kind of LCA's those are?

That car is mint!

By Tu MaDRe
#11541 Can someone link me any lip kits sites? So i can buy the product brand new.
I just don't like someone else wear N' tear..
I've seen alot of seXy gold wheels. Any good brands can anyone list, please?
I just don't like someone else wear N' tear..

I'm planning on building a eh9, eg sedan (what ever the chassi code is)
I have alot of siick idea's. For a d16z6 soch that can be boosted carb legal Nd a built HEAD, hear in cali.
It's gonna be street legal to the traffic officer. Not for smog..
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By hondajunkee
#13348 dang if i knew how to post pics id throw some up of my teal dx hatch, nothings done to it yet, but id still throw it out there lol. but for now just check the myspace page below
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By Greasedmonkey
#13394 Its not hard to post pictures...just have the pics uploaded somewhere and use the [img] tags..

Ill help you out for now!
Here is the code to post up pics. Just replace the myspace URLs with something that works.
Code: Select all[img][/img]
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By hondajunkee
#13491 hes my hatch, i havnt done anything to it yet cuz i just got it and it sits at my grandpa house cuz i live in a condo and have no room for a car with a blown headgasket. but i bought it with the blown gasket for $600 and just picked up a d15b7 for $125 just gotta find the time to swap everything




thanks for the image posting info
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By asianrob
eg8ferio wrote:
Hereg6 wrote:Image

I Love These Wheels :D

i know that guy he lives out here in oklahoma
real volks 17" Powder coated "blue" or purple lol he sold them for 1700 with brand new tires

those wheels are forsale again
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By Hereg6
eg8ferio wrote:
eg8ferio wrote:
Hereg6 wrote:Image

I Love These Wheels :D

i know that guy he lives out here in oklahoma
real volks 17" Powder coated "blue" or purple lol he sold them for 1700 with brand new tires

those wheels are forsale again

Damn i wish i had the money for those wheels