Appearance, Paint & Body Work
By mikbik
#33949 can we still get a brandnew of these JDM, EDM etc..

yah I guess its much better to get the glass ones so it wont fade quickly. Can I buy a JDM ones then just swapped the glass of my OEM to the JDM ones anyone done that?
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By Graham
#33984 Theres absolutely loads of glass headlights in junkyards in the UK, why do you guys want them so much? :lol:
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By LowTEC-Derbo
Graham wrote:Theres absolutely loads of glass headlights in junkyards in the UK, why do you guys want them so much? :lol:

because ot doesnt have those stupid DOT nipples. wanna send me one :)
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By 0p71mu5pr1m3
LowTEC-Derbo wrote:
Graham wrote:Theres absolutely loads of glass headlights in junkyards in the UK, why do you guys want them so much? :lol:

because ot doesnt have those stupid DOT nipples. wanna send me one :)

Me too!!!! :D
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By Graham
#34380 So you guys are just after glass housings? Hmm it would cost loads to send :P

My headlights dont have height adjust though :?
By mikbik
#34530 what about those crystalized ones and those black housing? are good? or it looks much better to go for teh JDM's