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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:24 pm
by evil-G-nius
EH...Romney hasnt created jobs...he has taken them away and sent em overseas! That shit aint helping you...aint helping me. Obama is not about handouts, dont know where you are getting that from. But government assistance has been around long before he got in office...keeping it going isnt a bad thing. There are people that truly need the help, are not afforded the same opportunities as others or have paid into the system only to get screwed. The Assistance programs are designed to give everyone a home, food and some sort of healthcare. Granted some people abuse those privleges but should you take it away from the legit users? How is that fair? And your "rich" people are abusing programs too, We need infrastructure and have states and cities that are broke but no one wants to help pay for anything. The rich are hiding money offshore to avoid taxes that could and SHOULD be helping to pay for that and many other thing taxes are supposed to be used for. If you ask me the rich abuse the country more than anyone because they can afford to. They buy elections, essentially cheat the government, and useloopholes to their advantage at the demise of their own counrty. That is some shady shit

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:09 pm
by Chance
Stop NDAA.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:46 am
by Apexracing
And nafta 8)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:26 am
by Ajax1989
Obama wins.. Yay........ Not

Oh well shit happens.. We all are gonna go to bed and wake up the next day and back to work like nothing happend..

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:28 am
by Ajax1989
Fuck obama nd romney... Chance should have won that shit¡¡¡!! Theres alway another chance for chance!!!

Chance for prez 2016!!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:32 am
by Flatland_EG
Thought this was appropriate. :D

If you know the meaning then you know why it's funny.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:49 pm
Fuck the presidency.. Pot is now legal in Colorado! :lol:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:52 pm
by Ajax1989
JUICE wrote:Fuck the presidency.. Pot is now legal in Colorado! :lol:

And washington state

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:53 pm
by Apexracing
JUICE wrote:Fuck the presidency.. Pot is now legal in Colorado! :lol:

No offense but i'm not thrilled with this at all :thumbdown:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:32 pm
by chrono404
Apexracing wrote:
JUICE wrote:Fuck the presidency.. Pot is now legal in Colorado! :lol:

No offense but i'm not thrilled with this at all :thumbdown:

even if you dont like pot in the states its approved, Its good for the state due to the new taxes it will bring in. Washington State is super broke right now and the fact that it passed means that teachers and state employees wont need to be let go.

I am a firm believer in spending within your limits and low taxes, however until the goverment can get there(which it wont) taxes on pot is good for washington state.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:03 am
by Apexracing
Im against it being legal ever. Its too difficult to control. And with people already driving impaired for numerous reasons. I rather keep drugs illegal.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:10 pm
by chrono404
Apexracing wrote:Im against it being legal ever. Its too difficult to control. And with people already driving impaired for numerous reasons. I rather keep drugs illegal.

I can understand where you come from, Big Phramacy and industry has done a great job in demonizing marajania.

Keeping drugs "illegal" hasn't done a good job keeping drugs away from people. If they have wanted marajania they can get it. Therefore trying something new isn't a bad thing.

The Washington rules say all marajania sold in Washington, must be grown in Washington and that will help with quality control.

If your looking at Medicinal Quality's, It can be argued that Marajania is a safer alternative to pain relief compared to narcatic based pain medicanes (Oxycodone, Percocet, etc) which are synthetic heroin.

Before demanding it banned, or continue to be banned, it would good to see what is demeaned legal and safe according to the FDA. I wish that people would be as discusted with big pharamacy and docters for pumping in very power pscyhoactive drugs into children as young as 4 as they would be about the much safer for the human body drugs available on the street.

Obvously IMO of course. None of my opinions represent Civic-eg or its other users.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:06 am
by Apexracing
chrono404 wrote:
Apexracing wrote:Im against it being legal ever. Its too difficult to control. And with people already driving impaired for numerous reasons. I rather keep drugs illegal.

I can understand where you come from, Big Phramacy and industry has done a great job in demonizing marajania.

Keeping drugs "illegal" hasn't done a good job keeping drugs away from people. If they have wanted marajania they can get it. Therefore trying something new isn't a bad thing.

The Washington rules say all marajania sold in Washington, must be grown in Washington and that will help with quality control.

If your looking at Medicinal Quality's, It can be argued that Marajania is a safer alternative to pain relief compared to narcatic based pain medicanes (Oxycodone, Percocet, etc) which are synthetic heroin.

Before demanding it banned, or continue to be banned, it would good to see what is demeaned legal and safe according to the FDA. I wish that people would be as discusted with big pharamacy and docters for pumping in very power pscyhoactive drugs into children as young as 4 as they would be about the much safer for the human body drugs available on the street.

Obvously IMO of course. None of my opinions represent Civic-eg or its other users.

Pot is a gateway drug, and it can inhibit ones ability to opperate a car and heavy machinery. Im not all for prescription meds either other than antibiotics. But smoking in its self is a nasty filthy habbit and i appreciate my air space.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:25 pm
by evil-G-nius
I'm with Apex on this one...I have been hit by drunks before, once on each coast. People have more distractions now more than ever and they are not getting any better driving so adding slower reflexes to the mix is not smart. Not to mention that shit STINKS!!!! It smells just as bad if not worse than cigarettes which I am allergic to. The bottom line is no matter what the "pot head" thinks, your driving is not better when you are high and you are not concentrating are just slower moron!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:27 pm
by Apexracing
evil-G-nius wrote:I'm with Apex on this one...I have been hit by drunks before, once on each coast. People have more distractions now more than ever and they are not getting any better driving so adding slower reflexes to the mix is not smart. Not to mention that shit STINKS!!!! It smells just as bad if not worse than cigarettes which I am allergic to. The bottom line is no matter what the "pot head" thinks, your driving is not better when you are high and you are not concentrating are just slower moron!
