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Nissan's GTR - your thoughts?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:42 pm
by zeppelin101

What do you think when you see one?

It's classed as a supercar by many, but is it?

I mean for me, supercars are the sort of car you buy with your heart. The sort of car that instantly makes you feel like a 5 year old when you look at it or hear it start up and makes your spine tingle just being near one.

Does the GTR do any of that for me? Nope.

Now I have a pretty good handle on why this might be - and it's pretty simple really. It's just too gimmicky.

I mean unless you're an uber geek, someone who comes up to you and starts telling you about the awesome PC they just built with 5trillion bytes of RAM and more processing power than a fleet of space shuttles most of us will switch off and not really care.

That's what the GTR is to me. That massively geeky kid sat in the corner telling his mate called Audi next to him about his ATESSA-ETS and fancy console gizmo telling him he can pull many Gs in a corner.

How can this honestly excite anyone? I have absolutely no doubt it's an awesome machine in many ways; ridiculously fast etc etc but it remains the sum of all it's computery gizmos and some nerdy guys in japan with lab coats and pens in their top pockets doing some lovely mathematics to make the car 0.001s faster around the Nurburgring.

I feel the same way about many new cars these days to be honest. The new 370Z - looks immensely pretty, has more power and is a little more compact in every way yet it has gizmos to rev match for you? Where's the fun? The most involving part of driving is knowing that I got that gearshift cock on, I kept the thing pointing in the right direction at some horrendous speed through a corner with a howling soundtrack and only a stereo for company.

Supercar? Nope, not for me.

Great machine? Probably one of the best.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:53 pm
by Classiccarsrule85
When i see one i think of jeremy clarkson and how he ruined his back again in on :D lol but yea to me its not a supercar more of a tuned sports car with many gizmos and stuff

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:36 pm
by VegasCivic
Ever been in one? They are quite super. But they aren't for me. I like wrenching and like you said, knowing i got that gearshift spot on not the car's gizmos.

its more fun making a slow car go fast :thumb:

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:02 am

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:01 pm
by zeppelin101
^^ That's a lovely way to prove my point.

It's just an endless stream of numbers from the car, and personally that just doesn't excite me at all. Even having heard one they sound pretty lame imo :(

Yeah, it's pretty feckin quick etc but it's the equivalent of


PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:24 pm
by Joplies
They look mean but dont give that lil kid feeling. Sound nice but not 70K+ nice and they have some power but they really dont pull their own weight enough for what nissans Skyplines have lived upto in the past. Plus im sure its another pop the hood and raed " If the cover is removed by any none certified person bs you void the warranty" that would ruine any fun...

Not my thing personaly.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:06 pm
by LaMbErT*
i dont like the sound of most supercars, sound like hair dryers imho.

It looks awesome really nice but yeah doesn't tingle.

And as for gizmo's and all the rest i couldn't agree more, ive been in a few new cars and you can't feel the road cause the steerings light and obv i haven't drivin a car quite like a r35 but i could understand the car would be driving and not myself...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:28 pm
by 92egdxhatch
i dont like it, not worth the price and honestly its not all that attractive looking