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xbox 360 elite e73 ethernet error fix

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:31 pm
by Apexracing
my roommate got this error on his 1.5 yr old elite last night after turning his 360 on after being off for 3 days. after looking all over the internet i finaly came across a post saying to overheat the 360 using tooth picks to stop the fans from turning until the 1st and third lights are on saying that the console has indeed over heated, then unplug it remove the tooth picks and plug it back in and boot it and it worked! his 360 is back to normal and it only took 10 min. i'll keep this updated to how long it keeps running for.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:54 pm
by Beatdowncivic
i can tell you what is wrong with his 360 there are certain points on the board of his 360 and what happens is that his console gets hot and depending on where his console was produced the type of solder they use is inferior and tends to break loose connection once it gets hot the toothpick trick pretty much heats up those soldered points to where they get soft and reconnect and when it cools off it set's the connection back together at least till it gets hot again it is only a temporary fix but if he has a intercooler fan for his console use it and if he doesn't have one go get one it's worth the 10 bucks