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My custome painted x-box 360 controlers. DIY complet pg1

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:49 pm
by egsedanguy
Well Its been slow at work and we have tons of extra paint so i parcticed on my controlers. here is the first 2. I am doing 2 more.
First one- green n purple 8)

second- blue n orange

third- yellow n red with silver flake

this one is done by ilmcrx. :thumb:
good work :woot:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:15 pm
by Benj
tahts cool... i wanna do mine in flat black... wanna do a diy?? :?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:21 pm
by egsedanguy
haha. i can. but you can buy flat black controlers.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:41 pm
by skateruptown
Make a DIY so then i can paint my camera, or something plastic.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:11 pm
by {ikon}EM1
you did that at work???? where do u work at that u have all this time on your hands????

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:17 pm
by Benj
egsedanguy wrote:haha. i can. but you can buy flat black controlers.

yah but i already own 2 contorllers and i wanna do the same to my xbox cuz everything i have is black, tv, the stand, my surround sound, the cable box.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:19 pm
by egsedanguy
Ok well here is the first half of the DIY. :thumb:
Taking your X-Box 360 controller apart.....
-I recomend getting a eyeglass repair kit with the tiny philups head and flat heads.
-And last is a special torqe bit. Looks like a normal one but has a hole in the center of it. You local electronics shop should carry em. They remove the 7 security screws from the controller.Take the contoller with ya to find the exact size. I found the bit lying in the shop with no markings. sorry :oops: EDIT. BIT SAYS T10H

OK first we have your standard wireless controller!

next we need to reomove the 7 security screws. the green tape with airows show were they are at.

The first 6 are easy to locate. the 7th one is located under the tinny barcode in the center like so.

Ok now we can take aprt the controller. First take a tiny flathead an lightly pry the side and kinda work around . It will seperate very easy.

And now we have 2 halfs.

remember be gental. You not working on a honda :lol:. now you wanna seperate the circit board and rumblers. you need to lift from the bottom. see right nect to my thumb is 2 lil coils for the contacts for batteries.

the triggers are atached to the board. And i dont recoment talking off or painting thes parts.

next just lift off the lil grey pc on the bottom

then take off the rubber contacts.

Then lift off the bumpers. also not recomending paint. i did one and they seem to stick a lil cause they dont have much room to move and the paint tightend up the buttons.

Then turn over the contoler and all the buttons will just fall out. Each button has its on groves to slide back into place so you cant mix them up.

Now to take off the d-pad. Yes paint this. There are 2 philups head screw inside.

Once both are removed you will see it wont just fall out. there is 2 tabs that you need to pinch in useint 2 flatheads.

the d-pad will then fall out. :thumb:

now its apart

and here is the whole thing in a pile

ok now for the rest. haha. ima show how to reomove triggers for paint. i found out after playing with the controller. :thumb:

ok see the lil stud right by my thumb. you have to pull the triggr till it unhooks. just be gental dont wanna brake it.

ok now its out. see on the side of the trigger is a tab. have to pry the plastic away from it to drop back

somthing like this. but be carfull that spring will shot off and get lost.

and now the drigger is off. easer said than done. try at your own risk

ok now that ya know how to diasemble the controler you can get on with the fun stuff. Paint time..... :thumb:

list of items you need.
#3 scotch brite

surface cleaner and pla-stick
and a spray gun.

first we will sand down the parts very gently with the scotch brite. I use #3 cause it is not to rough and will not scratch the plastic. but makes the paint stick better.

now mount this stuff to somthing like a stick

there ya go. now lets clean this stuff
use the surface clean and wipe off and dont touch with bare hands. oil from hands and paint do not work together. once clean just befor you paint lay a thin coat of plastic adhesion promoter

ther now its time to get your colors.ya i have lots :thumb:

i chose yellow n red with a silver sparckle.
ok this is the base in yellow. i used 3 coats of paint.


red parts

and can see the sillver in the pics :thumbdown:

now we use clear coat. 1 light coat and anothe heavyer coat. but carfull not to much it will run.

once your done with clear you need to bake it for half hour at 125 degrees. once dry let it be over night befor assembley. the paint n clear will be soft even if it feel dry to hands.
and this is what you will end with

haha i hope everyone will use this to have ther own custome controllers. and mabey we can save this as a stick for the future. enjoy folks and remember i will not be responsible for damages dont to your controller. take apart and paint at your own risk. now its time to play with are custome controllers. :thumb:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:25 pm
by egsedanguy
{ikon}EM1 wrote:you did that at work???? where do u work at that u have all this time on your hands????

yup at work. haha. i work at an auto collision repair shop. We are very slow. plus its laid back and i get a whole hour for lunch. just enought time to take apart a controler, prep, paint, clear. then i let bake in the booth and put together after i clock out. :thumb:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:10 pm
by Benj
nice write up dude, i think im gonna go do this tonight

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:11 pm
by egsedanguy
ilmcrx wrote:nice write up dude, i think im gonna go do this tonight

haha. ya its easy. just have to find the special torqe bit.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:48 pm
by Benj
what size do you think it is?? t3 t4 t5?? and which one is the torx??

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:00 pm
by egsedanguy
T10H. :thumb:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:30 pm
by josephsantos
I like the green-purple combination. Looks like an Incredible Hulk themed controller! :thumb:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:22 pm
by J'95
LOL i think this is gonna get contagious ! btw nice write up meng!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:23 pm
by teal_dx
looks good! What kind of paint did you use?