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Constant Grind while Driving

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:30 pm
by jdmdx93
If anyone could give me advice id appreciate it...

While i drive i hear a constant grinding noise, its a suttle loud metal sound coming from what seems to be underneath the engine????
whenever im driving slow up the street its horribly loud.

Also, my fluid (clutch resovoir) goes empty on hot days. I just got tranny rebuilt and another clutch put in 6 months ago.

Could this be a master/slave cylinder problem? bad hydraulic system? obviously theres air in the clutch but before there was, it had still sucked all the fluid dry. Ive been trying to get to the bottom of it but i feel it could be a major problem soon.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:54 am
by teal_dx
start by looking on the inside of the firewall for a leaking master cyl (assuming the outside is clean looking). If nothing there then follow your clutch like looking for any rusted through areas or holes. Then checl the slave cyl. slide the rubber boot up and look for fluid.

drain your tranny and look for traces of metal in the fluid. If there is none, examine the boots on your inner & outer CV joints on the axles. Maybe they've been torn and you lost the grease.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:18 am
by jdmdx93
okay, i know this is a stupid question but would the inner and outer tie rods have anything to do with this? my car also has major toe in problems , have to change tires every 3 months and someone said tie rods would be to blame. they wouldnt cause a noise correct?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:32 am
by jdmdx93
i apologize for that i realize now what you mean by inner and outer CV

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:12 am
jdmdx93 wrote:okay, i know this is a stupid question but would the inner and outer tie rods have anything to do with this? my car also has major toe in problems , have to change tires every 3 months and someone said tie rods would be to blame. they wouldnt cause a noise correct?

The tie rods would not cause the grinding sound. If they are that bad then it would be more along the lines of a clunk, and more at higher speeds and when turning. Tie rod ends arent that expensive, and neither is an alignment. I highly suggest getting both taken care of. Double check that your inner tie rods are okay as well. If they are shot along with the outer ones then I would just get a new rack.

The leaking slave/master and/or lines do need to be replaced/repaired asap if you drive this car daily. Your best bet is to start with what Teal said.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:21 am
by jdmdx93
thankyou guys alot its much appreciated