Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:31 pm
by crankinstein
Great info as always, thanks guys!
I have my EG booked for an alignment this morning with a shop I know and trust, but this will help me direct them to the real issue.
One of the first chages I made when I picked up my hatch a few months ago was the suspension. It was on what appeared to be an ebay lowering kit and was horrible to drive. I swapped in a full ITR spring and shock set-up complete with rear lca's (which raised my car a fair bit, thogh I'm not sure if it's above or below stock tbh). It wasn't until I replaced the new winter tires for summer tires that I noticed the inside of my rear tires are cupping.
I have been doing a lot of research trying to determine the cause, and almost crawled under the car to attempt to adjust the compensator myself, but I thought it best to have a pro do it.
One question though, related or not I'm unsure; Does torquing suspension mounting points with the suspension at full droop preload the suspension in that direction? Meaning, if my cx is sitting higher than I think it should, especially in the rear, is it possible that torquing the lca and shock bolts while the car was in the air could be a contributing factor?

Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:32 pm
by ccaughy
so glad i read this, just did a ksport coilover install on my buddies eg and he had tokico blues and the toe on the front was killing the tires, i dont think he ever got a good alignment just went to a backyard garage. making him go to a real shop now especially with his new wheels and tires on.